User experience (UX) is the second most influential aspect of all customer buying decisions.
The first is having a product or service that people want.
So let’s imagine that you just created a product or service that people want. Now what? This is the moment that every business owner faces. In the steps that follow this creation it is very very easy get lost by listening to hundreds of “experts” rather than actually doing something.
This is the moment that The Total Experience becomes the single most important aspect of your business. It becomes the defining element of success or failure. And the best part, even if it is failing, it can always be changed.
I am Jeremy Gallas and since 2003 my whole world has been focused around developing experiences for a variety of audiences. Many call this user experience (UX) or customer experiences. Those words tend put a narrow view of what is actually being influenced.
UX tends to be described as something with a digital visual interface with which people interact. While customer experience tends to describe those people who are in the process of buying or are already a customer. These two definitions are a little narrow to describe on where any business owner should be focused.
TTE = The Total Experience
TTE encompasses everything every person experiences when interfacing with your brand, product or service.
Let’s put it this way. TTE is not just the table, chairs, or the cushions on those chairs. TTE is that whole package, plus the experience of finding it, buying it, getting it delivered to your home, putting it together, having your first meal at it, and the lifetime of memories your family will experience around that purchase.
When you shift your thinking away from the individual elements of operating the business but rather focus on The Total Experience you will find that everything in the business is just a hammer to create an experience for another person.